Call for AAHQ 2018 Executive Board Nominations

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Call for Nominations

It is time to develop a list of nominees for election of officers of the AAHQ Board of Directors.  Nominations are sought for the office of the 2019 President-Elect and 2019 Secretary.


The office of President-Elect is a three year commitment as this position will transition into the President and Past President positions for 2020 and 2021, respectively. The duties of the President–Elect and subsequent offices are described below.

Please submit all nominations to Cindy Harris at or Pam Blake by Wednesday, August 29, 2018.


Duties of the Offices throughout the Three Year Commitment:

President-Elect – In the absence of the President, the President Elect shall perform the duties of the President. The President Elect shall perform all duties assigned by the President, and will become familiar with and prepare for the duties of the office. In the event the President cannot fulfill his/her tenure of office, the President Elect shall serve out the unexpired term, and then begin his/her own term of office. This individual will serve in this position in 2018.

President – The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors. The president shall appoint any special committees and team leaders. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and Action Teams and shall attend all usual duties pertaining to the office.  This office will be served throughout 2019.

Past President – In the absence of the President and President Elect, the Past President shall perform the duties of the President. The Past President shall perform all duties assigned by the President.  This office will be served throughout 2020.

Qualifications for Nominees for President-Elect:

Member in good standing in the organization for a minimum of 2 years.

Currently employed by an AHA affiliated organization.

Certified Professional Healthcare Quality (CPHQ)

Nominee must submit a picture and pertinent biographical sketch of their professional activities and services to the Association, which shall be included with the ballot.



Duties of the Secretary throughout the Two Year Commitment:

The Secretary shall be responsible for recording all minutes, and performing other duties as requested by the Board.


Qualifications for Nominees for Secretary:

Member in good standing in the organization for a minimum of 2 years.

Nominee must submit a picture and pertinent biographical sketch of their professional activities and services to the Association, which shall be included with the ballot.

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